Order Now Delta Faucet 3578-SSMPU-DST Laland Two Handle Widespread Lavatory Faucet with Pop-Up, Stainless
The Leland Bath Collection gracefully reinterprets the time-honored teapot design with decorative, traditional detailing. Getting ready in the morning is far from routine when you are surrounded by a bath that reflects your personal style. Sometimes accessories make all the difference and that's why Delta offers a variety of bath accessory items. 1.5 gpm, 5.7 L/min ADA compliant when installed properly Delta Faucet is one of the first in the industry to qualify for the new WaterSense(R) program developed by the EPA for showerheads and handshowers Faucet and Finish Lifetime Limited Warranty Compliant with California and Vermont low-lead legislation
Visit: For Sale WAC Lighting H-LED810F-WW-DB Impulse - Track Head, Dark Bronze Finish